2016 Field Retreat
We've worked hard to build a place where veterans can come together and engage in the kind of activities and interactions that make us who we are.
Located on private property just 30 miles west of College Station, TX. Our camp is complete with military style living accommodations, outdoor training areas, and the peace and natural beauty of central Texas.
Veteran participants are brought together in a small unit setting and given the opportunity do what often motivates us; tactical medicine, rope skills, and even some time on our live fire range, just to name a few. All food and lodging are provided at no cost to the veteran. The retreat represents a perfect opportunity for the veterans to build new bonds with others going through the same transition, as well as many professional contacts to help moving forward. At the conclusion of the retreat, representatives from employers, colleges, benefit providers, and other VSOs will arrive to meet and interact with the veterans in the setting of our celebratory Warriors BBQ.
If you are a veteran and would like to attend our retreat, contact us at info@civdiv.org.